
Why choose Breathe Massage & Fitness?

Breathe Massage & Fitness is a pain management center for those with an active lifestyle, where clients can come to receive regular treatment from various healthcare professionals to help aid in relieving chronic physical pain that can be healed through manual therapies and strengthening.

What’s our why?

Pain is an indicator, not a constant way of living. No one should have to live with chronic neck pain, back pain, or any pain for that matter. At Breathe Massage & Fitness we know what it’s like to feel unable to enjoy simple day to day activities and living due to a chronic injury. Our goal is to help those in need and to show that manual therapies such as therapeutic massage and corrective exercise can help get you back to living the healthy life you want to live.

What do you specialize in?

Specializing in helping the active-lifestyle community with recovery and injury prevention! We specialize in doing everything to make you feel balanced, aligned, and pain-free. Utilizing treatments such as Therapeutic Massage, Corrective Exercise, Cupping Therapy, and Personal Training, we’re confident that we can help all of our clients make the progress they want and need in their lives.

How do I know what kind of service to schedule?

To find our more in-depth answers by clicking below. At Breathe Massage & Fitness the approach we like to take is to first start with a therapeutic massage. This allows us to do some basic tests and find problem areas that cause chronic pain and other physical dysfunctions. After the initial session, we can then re-assess to know what approach and services will best be suited for each client.

Why Therapeutic Massage?

Therapeutic Massage is great for not only allowing the body to relax. Massage allows the body to tell us to bring awareness to what needs to be worked on to help fix chronic body pains and aches. Therapeutic Massage helps release adhesions (aka knots) from the body which is just one way that massage can help relieve pain and body aches. Another major benefit of Therapeutic Massage is how relaxing and releasing tight muscle tissue ultimately aids in improving circulation, which can have several health benefits associated with it.  

Why Corrective Exercise? 

Sometimes Therapeutic Massage is not enough. Often, people assume that muscles are tight and that is what causes neck pain or back pain. This is partially true, usually, the body pain is caused by muscles that are not tight, but over lengthened and inflamed. A message will help us discover which of these muscles fall into the tight or overlengthened category. The muscles that are usually tight are the ones that need to be massaged and stretched, while the opposing muscle groups need to be strengthened (tightened functionally) to allow the body to naturally realign and relieve itself of any prior pain or bodily dysfunction in the most efficient way possible.

Why Personal Training?

We take our personal training seriously with a different outlook than most. Instead of seeing a personal trainer at your local gym, and then receiving massage from a separate entity, we do it all in house. This allows us to offer a superior training regiment from most, due to the fact that we can utilize our team to come up with individual plans with multiple perspectives from our respected health and wellness professionals, while analyzing problematic areas of the body from prior Therapeutic Massage, Cupping Therapy, and Corrective Exercise sessions to help ensure we can best help our clients reach the goal they desire while also building a more balanced body.

Why Cupping Therapy?

Cupping Therapy works primarily on facial tissue. Fascia is a connective tissue that connects everything together from skin to muscle to bone and everything in-between. Sometimes the fascia gets stuck and restricts these other connective tissues from being optimal and efficient which then can cause issues such as neck pain and back pain. With Cupping Therapy this fascia can easily be released creating instant benefits such as improved circulation, range of motion, and pain relief.

Is therapeutic Massage always a deep tissue massage?

No, tons of pressure is not always needed to work deeper. Depending on various factors, light to medium pressure can be more therapeutic for some individuals. How can lighter pressure be more effective for healing chronic pain? The body can only heal when the parasympathetic nervous system (a relaxed state) is active. If the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight mode) is active the body is constantly tense which tenses and tightens the muscle fibers making it impossible to help release deep core muscles that are usually the cause of most chronic pain.  Too deep of pressure can even be damaging to the nerves of the body and cause things such as bruising or DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). It is important to keep the nociceptors (pain receptors) of the nervous system intact so that way awareness can be brought to the pain indicators to allow us to know what areas of the body need work and what parts of the body do not.

What if I dont have pain?

The best medicine is preventative medicine. Preventative medicine examples are eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting quality sleep, stretching the body, getting a massage, mediation… etc. Therapeutic Massage is a great way to check in on the body and bring awareness to parts of the body we don’t realize need bodywork or realignment. 

Are Massage Therapists Health Care Workers? 

“As part of the allied healthcare field, massage therapists are medical professionals. While some offer bodywork strictly for relaxation, others work with doctors independently or in medical facilities directly to improve patient health” – MSC College