Therapeutic Massage.

Therapeutic massage is a holistic approach that involves skilled manipulation of soft tissues to alleviate tension, reduce stress, and enhance relaxation. At Breathe Massage & Fitness, we go further by incorporating passive stretching and targeted trigger point therapy. This dynamic combination not only promotes circulation and joint mobility but also aids the body’s natural healing processes. Experience the rejuvenating benefits of therapeutic massage, where soothing care for both body and mind awaits.

Corrective Exercise.

Corrective Exercise serves as a method of physical rehabilitation, utilizing an array of stretches, exercises, and manual therapy techniques. This potent blend is adept at assisting previous injuries and managing chronic pain. Our goal is to expertly lead your body towards the full-body alignment it rightfully deserves, ensuring a safe and effective treatment to wellness.

Cupping Therapy.

Cupping serves as a myofascial stretching technique aimed at releasing muscles and bones, facilitating their return to proper alignment. This process naturally promotes posture correction and realignment within the body. Athletes often incorporate cupping, often combined with massage, to sustain their physical well-being. 

Personal Training.

Personal Training is like having your own fitness guide by your side. Take out the guesswork with our custom programs designed just for you, where a knowledgeable coach helps you with exercises that match your goals and abilities. You’ll be shown how to do each exercise correctly and support you every step of the way. With Personal Training, you get personalized attention and a plan that’s all about helping you become healthier and stronger.


TENS and EMS are special tools that can help your muscles recover and feel better. TENS, which stands for “Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation,” uses gentle electric pulses to soothe nerves, providing pain relief and relaxed muscles. EMS, short for “Electrical Muscle Stimulation,” helps muscles contract involuntarily, similar to physical therapy, without the effort. These tools are useful for recovering from injuries, easing discomfort, or even making your muscles stronger.

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